Tämä on hieno pianokappale. Yritän opetella soittamaan sitä, mutta koska en ole kovin hyvä pianisti ja se on Yiruman kappale, en ole vielä onnistunut...
Aamulla kouluun pyöräily on yhdessä kohtaa erittäin hankalaa. Ehkä kymmenen metrin pituinen pätkä tiestä on kokonaan veden peitossa - siis päivällä. Aamulla siinä on sellaista kivaa loskasohjoa, josta ei voi pyöräillä. On hassua, miten yllättynyt olen aina siinä yhdessä kohtaa, jossa on koko talven ollut tietyö. Siinä ei nimittäin enää ole sitä. Melkein joka kerta, kun kuljen siitä ohi, hämmästyn ja sanon (jos siis en ole yksin), että "hei täs ei oo enää sitä tietyötä"... Ja huomasinkin sen vasta viime sunnuntaina, vaikka se lähti siitä jo perjantaina.
...Äsken luulin että on torstai.
Tänään saatiin ruotsin ja matikan kokeet takaisin. Ysi puol ja kasi puol... Ruotsiin olin ihan tyytyväinen, koska 5 pistettä oli vaan menny, kaikki jotain huolimattomuusvirheitä, matikka taas... Huoh. Taidan olla niin tyhmä etten tajua mistään mitään.
Onneksi on sentään jotain, missä olen hyvä. Nimittäin koneelle päästyäni luin sähköpostit. Yksi niistä oli ohjaajaltani vastaus lähettämääni monologiin (jota hän oli myös kirjoittanut) ja hän sanoi, että piti siitä todella paljon ja itki lukiessaan sitä... Se on vaan jotain niin hienoa, kun tekee jotain niin, että siitä tulee jotain suuria tunteita. Varsinkin kirjoituksissa. Se monologi taisi olla ainakin yksi parhaista kirjoituksistani. Jo sen alkuperäinen, luettavaksi tarkoitettu versio sai J:n melkein itkemään.
This is a lovely piano piece. I've tried to play it but because I'm not very good at playing piano and it's Yiruma's, I haven't yet succeeded. Someday I will... Even if it would take seven years. (I don't honestly think it will take that long...)
Cycling to school in the morning is very difficult in one part of the trip. Maybe ten meters long part of the road is completely filled with water – when I come from school. In the morning it's almost ice, but only from the surface. If you try to cycle over it you're shoes are doomed to be wet.
...For a moment I thought that it was Thursday.
We got our Swedish and maths tests back today... (103/108 and 30/36 points) I was pleased with my Swedish test, all the five points I didn't get were from not double-checking the test. I checked only once. But maths... Sigh. I guess I'm so stupid I don't understand anything.
Luckily there's something I'm good at. I read my emails and one of them was from our director. He answered to the monologue I'd sent (he has written some of it) and he said that he liked it very much and cried while reading it... It's just something wonderful when you do something so great that it makes somebody to cry or laugh (or to hate someone in the text ;3) Especially with short-stories (or monologues). I think it is one of my best writings. Even its original, "read-only" version almost got J to cry.
Ja sitten taas kuvia - tällä kertaa kaikki meiltä kotoa ;)
And photos again – this time all of them from our place ;)
This is a lovely piano piece. I've tried to play it but because I'm not very good at playing piano and it's Yiruma's, I haven't yet succeeded. Someday I will... Even if it would take seven years. (I don't honestly think it will take that long...)
Cycling to school in the morning is very difficult in one part of the trip. Maybe ten meters long part of the road is completely filled with water – when I come from school. In the morning it's almost ice, but only from the surface. If you try to cycle over it you're shoes are doomed to be wet.
...For a moment I thought that it was Thursday.
We got our Swedish and maths tests back today... (103/108 and 30/36 points) I was pleased with my Swedish test, all the five points I didn't get were from not double-checking the test. I checked only once. But maths... Sigh. I guess I'm so stupid I don't understand anything.
Luckily there's something I'm good at. I read my emails and one of them was from our director. He answered to the monologue I'd sent (he has written some of it) and he said that he liked it very much and cried while reading it... It's just something wonderful when you do something so great that it makes somebody to cry or laugh (or to hate someone in the text ;3) Especially with short-stories (or monologues). I think it is one of my best writings. Even its original, "read-only" version almost got J to cry.
Ja sitten taas kuvia - tällä kertaa kaikki meiltä kotoa ;)
And photos again – this time all of them from our place ;)
From the forest that's near us. |
This is our house. We have lived here almost half a year now... |
This wreath is from barbed wire – if somebody didn't notice ;) |
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