lauantai 4. toukokuuta 2013

Reaching Towards The Sky

 Tuntuu, että ei ole mitään sanottavaa. Torstaina olin kirjastossa ja orkesterissa ja teatterissa, ja perjantaina kemian kokeessa (joka meni varmasti todella huonosti, koska se tuntui niin helpolta...) ja tänään taas teatterissa. Torstaina lainasin yhden hyvän englanninkielisen kirjan (Before I Die, kirjailija Jenny Downham) ja sain luettua sen perjantaina. Meillä oli vieraita, jotka olivat yötä ja lähtivät ennen kuin tulin teatterista kotiin. Teatterissa sain maitohappomyrkytyksen ja melkein oksensin. Tuntuu oudolta, että meillä on enää kolme viikkoa koulua.

 It feels like I have nothing to say. On Thursday I went to the library before orchestra and from there to the theater. On Friday I had chemistry exam (which I think went really bad because I thought it was easy...) and today theater again. On Thursday I loaned a book that was in English (Before I Die by Jenny Downham)  and I read it on Friday. We had guests that slept in my sister's room and left before I got home from theater. It feels strange that we have only four weeks school left.

Waiting for the bus


so cute <3
Actually it says "Reaching towards the sky" though it seems like "lowards" -_-

I wish that it would rain
and that the rain would wash all my marks away
and that the rain would wash all my pain away
and that the rain would wash all my tears away
and that the rain would wash all my memories away
and that the rain would wash me away
that the rain would wash me away
the rain would wash all of me away

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